An Amazing Nation Gulf News
Telling the story of the confident and modern country as well as explaining its deep cultural roots, new comers will be delighted by the range of accessible detail, and old timers will be surprised by the depth of the authoritative coverage. 
Top 10 most endangered species in the world
The Best of News Design 33
Hard Cover / Rockport Publishers
The Best of News Design competition — presented by the Society For News Design — is the largest and most respected news design competition for publications worldwide. Both in print and digital, the competition recognizes excellence and innovation in the way news reaches its audience. Inside the book, you will find a full gallery of images, along with judges’ comments, for Best in Show, gold, and silver medal winners from the 36th edition of our competition. This edition highlights work produced in 2014 and recognized in 2015. The Best of News Design is a rich material, sure to inspire those with a passion for design, illustration, and media.
Features of the e-book include:
1) Video interviews with judges.
2) The competition backstage: Behind the scenes as judges review more than 1800 pages/entries from around the world.
3) Links to winners of the digital competition, with judges’ comments.
4) Pages from special coverage, portfolios and long form categories that are not included in the print annual.
5) Videos from industry leaders at the student workshop held at Syracuse University during the judging event.
6) An interactive quiz: How expert are you about the SND competition? Test yourself. And much more …

UFC special event in Dubai
Donald Trump’s 100 days in office portrayed in cartoons
US President Donald Trump just hit the 100 days in office milestone.
As a way of gauging if he met the ambitious goals he had set for the period, the Society for NewsDesign and the Danish newspaper Politiken invited cartoonists from all over the world to create cartoons that addressed this question: “How did Donald Trump manage his first 100 days as president?” 
see more
40 years in horse race 
Mosque in the world

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The sport of the kings

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Annual design book showcases the best of Middle East news design. This competition aims to promote creative excellence and innovation in news design in the Middle Eastern region. The main idea is to share with everyone the best of our production in the industry last year. Selected by a jury of leading design professionals, the winners were selected for outstanding work.
Dubai World Cup special

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The Best of News Design covers options 
Historia do Japao (Japan Stories)
Stories of Japan is a short story book that unites cultures and bridges people. With accentuated freedom of invention, his narratives and drawings express dreams, conflicts, traits and colors, styles and shapes of the imagery and art of East and West. Written by José Arrabal and illustrated by the artist Douglas Okasaki, the book brings together, in poetic prose, some traditional accounts of Shinto and Buddhism, legends, fables and folk tales of the Empire of Japan.
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